Triple E Awards 2023 | Support Tertúlias do Montado with your vote until 25 of june
Over the past 8 years, the Tertúlias do Montado initiative has been a platform for dialogue in favour of the sustainability of the Montado in the Alentejo region. Since 2016 there have been 33 tertulias where more than 200 tertulians have shared knowledge, stories, experiences, problems, and solutions.
The experience accumulated over these years, led the Tertúlias do Montado to apply for the Triple E Awards 2023 on Entrepreneurship and Engagement Excellence in Higher Education in the category “Community Engagement Initiative of the Year.
The Tertúlias do Montado already reached the 5 finalists in its category, but the final voting period will begin today, June 15th, and is open to the public vote.
The voting period begins today, 15th June, and runs until 25th June at 10am.
If you believe platforms for continued, structured and comprehensive dialogue are necessary to solve society’s problems, do not miss the opportunity to express your support by voting.
Vote for the Tertúlias do Montado through the following platforms:
- Website Triple E Awards (To vote, click HERE, you must enter an email address in the voting field. After clicking the “vote” button, you will receive an email and the vote is only counted if you confirm by clicking the link sent by email)
- Linkedin do MED: Clique AQUI e faça gosto na publicação e partilhe, mantenha os #ACEEU_Awards #2023Entry752 ;
- Twitter do MED : Clique AQUI e faça gosto na publicação e re-tweet, mantenha os #ACEEU_Awards #2023Entry752 ;
The Prémio Triple E Awards 2023 on Entrepreneurship and Engagement Excellence in Higher Education is an initiative of the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) and is a global recognition of efforts in the pursuit of entrepreneurship and community engagement in higher education. It is the first award to focus specifically on the different dimensions of the third mission of universities, i.e. the contributions of universities to society. The Triple E Awards aim to promote change at universities and emphasise their role in their communities and ecosystems.

How to vote: Enter the website HERE and to vote, you must enter an email address in the voting field. After clicking on the “vote” button, you will receive an email and the vote is only counted if you confirm by clicking on the link sent by email.