International Congress on Rural Engineering and Organisation and Work Safety in Agriculture took place at UÉvora with the collaboration of MED
The 40th International Conference of CIOSTA (International Commission for the Organization and Safety of Work in Agriculture) and Section V of CIGR (World Association of Rural Engineering) took place at the University of Évora on the 11th, 12th and 13th of September. This prestigious Conference, under the theme “Sustainable Socio-Technical Transition of Farming Systems”, was organised by the Department of Rural Engineering of the University of Évora with the collaboration of MED – Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development.
The event was attended by delegates of different nationalities, from the five continents and not only from Institutions of the Scientific and Technological System, but also from Industry linked to the agricultural sector, which contributed to a more comprehensive and aggregating discussion of the main topics inherent to Agriculture and related areas.
The opening of the event was attended by the Rector of the University of Évora, Prof. Hermínia Vilar, by the Vice-President of CCDR Alentejo, Eng. Carmen Carvalheira, by the Director of MED, Prof. Fátima Baptista, by the President-Elect of CIGR, Prof. Claus Sorensen and the President of CIOSTA, Prof. Vasco Fitas da Cruz.
The conference had the participation of several researchers from MED-UÉvora, with 10 oral communications being presented, and in addition to the opening session, Prof. Fátima Baptista, Director of MED, also participated in a special session where she had the opportunity to present the main lines MED’s activities, as well as giving examples of some of the projects underway in this R&D unit.
Divided into technical sessions and scientific sessions, this meeting served as an excellent hub for the presentation of current topics for the agri-food sector such as Precision Agriculture, Animal Welfare and Precision Zootechnics, Working Conditions for agricultural workers, Digitalization in Agriculture and Sustainability and Circular Economy.
The work ended with a technical visit to the Lagar de Vale Travessos and the Alqueva multi-purpose enterprise.

Opening Session