5&6 MAY | First BioBlitz at Herdade da Mitra

How many species do you think you can identify in 24 hours?
This is the motto for the first BioBlitz organized by the University of Évora and MED to be held on May 5th and 6th, 2023, at Herdade da Mitra, in Évora. This activity is aimed for everyone, from the general public, to students and researchers, and for all age groups, from children, young people and adults.
The main objective of a BioBlitz is to register the maximum number of species in 24h in a specific place. It is a unique experience for participants to connect with nature and value the importance of ecosystems and the species that surround us. Researchers from the MED Applied Ecology and Conservation group are organizing specific 1h/1h30 activities for the observation and inventorying of different groups of living beings. There will be sessions with birds, butterflies, reptiles, mammals, plants and mushrooms, among others, both at night and during the day.
Participation is free, but subject to registration, which will run until May 4 (new date), as it will have a maximum limit of 20 people per activity. Registration for activities is now open, just fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/5rnKrZMmGMxv9pGi8. See below, or download HERE, the available schedules for each activity.
For people who want to explore Herdade da Mitra independently, just register the species they observe through the iNaturalist platform.
In order to aggregate the observations of all participants, we suggest that they join the “BioBlitz Herdade da Mitra” project in the iNaturalist application. We appreciate that you referred to the project in each registration made. To validate the observations, we ask you to add photographic or audio recordings.
It will be an activity not to be missed. Sign up now and bring your family!