Webinar Understanding Food Safety: Concepts and Challenges in a Changing World

October 14th, 2020 | 3 pm CET (2 pm in Portugal)
Organized by Subnetwork UNIMED Food & Water – Évora University, together with FAO.
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1st Thematic Webinar
Understanding Food Safety: Concepts and Challenges in a Changing World
Food & Water are two cross-cutting issues of increasing importance in the Mediterranean region. The UNIMED SubNetwork on Food & Water was launched with the purpose of bringing together research centres, university departments, faculties, academics scholars and independent researchers that work in the selected fields, in order to favour scientific cooperation, the exchange of experience and information, the strengthening of existing
partnerships and the establishment of new collaborations.
Within the context of partnership between UNIMED and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UNIMED SubNetwork on Food & Water organises its 1st Thematic Webinar, with speakers from both FAO and the University of Évora-MED, Portugal, the SubNetwork Coordinator.
Food Safety can be defined as the food handling, preparing, and storing practices with the purpose of preventing or reducing foodborne diseases. Food Safety is an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals and it is also the basis for Food Security. FAO is the only international organization overseeing all aspects of the food chain, thereby providing a unique vision on Food Safety. Keeping food safe is a complex process that starts on the farm and ends with the consumer.
Facing a changing World in the 21st century, and now even more urgent with the current COVID-19 pandemics, it is important to understand Food Safety and discuss how we may reach it.