Webinar – Food waste management towards a sustainable food production

November 11th, 2020 | 3:30 pm CET
Organized by Subnetwork UNIMED Food & Water – Évora University, together with FAO.
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2nd Thematic Webinar
Food waste management towards a sustainable food production
Food & Water are two cross-cutting issues of increasing importance in the Mediterranean region. The UNIMED SubNetwork on Food & Water was launched with the purpose of bringing together research centres, university departments, faculties, academics scholars and independent researchers that work in the selected fields, in order to favour scientific cooperation, the exchange of experience and information, the strengthening of existing partnerships and the establishment of new collaborations.
The second thematic webinar organised by the UNIMED SubNetwork Food&Water focuses on the Food waste management towards a sustainable food production. Sustainable Food Systems must include the recycling of food by-products, which may constitute new added value inputs feeding other agricultural activities or industries in a circular economy perspective, where ideally everything can be reutilised.