IUFRO Short Scientific Visits (SSV) 2023
In 2023, IUFRO’s Special Programme for Development of Capacities will offer grants of up to €5,000 for Short Scientific Visits for early career scientists affiliated with IUFRO member organisations. These visits will provide a unique opportunity for young scientists from Africa, Asia and Latin America to visit a forest research organisation overseas and conduct international scientific collaboration.
Potential applicants are required to contact the potential host organisation prior to applying for a grant. Together they shall develop and agree on essential elements for the short scientific visit grant application including a project proposal and work plan, timing and duration of the proposed visit, and a mentor in the host country.
Candidates interested in applying for a short scientific visit grant should complete the online application form and submit their complete application documents in one PDF including all required application documents (work plan, endorsement letter by host and applicant’s Head of Department, and CV of applicant and mentor) by 31 July 2023. The PDF document should be uploaded with a filename following the format “SSV_FirstnameLastnameCountry.
The applicant will be responsible for obtaining the agreement of the host institution before submitting the application. While the applicant needs to be affiliated with a member organisation of IUFRO, the host institution need not necessarily be a member institution. If you are interested in hosting an SSV, we encourage you to share this application with potential candidates.
For more information, please visit this web page or contact Mr Daniel Boehnke mail email boehnke@iufro.org.