Liliana Gonçalves Fidalgo
Food science and technology, Integrated in MED
Food science and technology
Integrated in MED
Liliana Fidalgo is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Technology and Applied Sciences at the School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Beja. She is an integrated member of MED and collaborates with LAQV-REQUIMTE at the University of Aveiro.
She obtained her PhD degree in Food Technology and Nutrition in 2019 (Doctoral programme of the Univ. of Aveiro, Univ. of Minho and Catholic University of Portugal).During the last 15 years, she developed good work skills in high pressure processing (HPP) applied in food preservation. She is also member of the Non-Thermal Processing Division (NPD) of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT, USA).
As a result of all work, she is author of more than 50 publications (h index = 24, +1200 citations).
Present Research
- High pressure processing
- Rheology
- Food Analysis
- Bioactive compounds
- Food lipids
- Nonthermal technologies
Research Interests
- Food technology
- Food chemistry
- Food preservation
- Nonthermal technologies
- Food Analysis
- High pressure processing
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