Nathana Lazzarotto Cristofoli

Nathana Lazzarotto Cristofoli

Food science and technology, Student in MED
Food science and technology
Student in MED


Ph.D. student in Food Biotechnology at the University of Algarve, whose project aims to use residues from microalgae production for the development of biodegradable active packaging in partnership with the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development (MED, UAlg), Center for Marine Sciences (CCMar, UAlg) and the associated laboratory CICECO (University of Aveiro). A Food Engineer from the Federal University of Ceará and M.Sc. from the Federal University of Santa Catarina with experience in waste recovery through supercritical technology and ultrasound and the application of bioactive compounds to increase shelf life. I was a research fellow in the ALGARED+ project (CCMar, UAlg).

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