Sara Maria de Almeida Lopes Canas

Sara Maria de Almeida Lopes Canas

Food science and technology, Integrated in MED
Food science and technology
Integrated in MED


Habilitation in Food Engineering (2017), PhD in Food Engineering (2003), Master's Degree in Viticulture and Enology (1997) and a Degree in Agronomy (1990) from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia/Universidade de Lisboa. Researcher with habilitation for scientific coordination at the Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária - INIAV (since 2017). Coordinator of the Polo de Inovação de Dois Portos/Estação Vitivinícola Nacional (since April 2021). Head of INIAV's Enology Laboratory. Since 1996, carrying out research into spirits of vitivinicultural origin, which was the basis of her PhD and Habilitation. Leader of 6 research projects, team member of 16 research projects and interlocutor of 5 protocols. Author/co-author of over a hundred scientific publications. Editor-in-Chief (since 2020) and Associate Editor (2012-2020) of the international scientific journal Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola/Journal of Viticulture and Enology, published by INIAV - Polo de Inovação de Dois Portos. Member of the Editorial Board of 6 international scientific journals. Reviewer of articles for 28 international scientific journals. Evaluator of R&D projects for the Agência Nacional de Inovação (over 200). Supervisor of Master's dissertations, undergraduate course works, scholarships and internships (25). Guest lecturer on the Master in Engineering of Viticulture and Enology of Universidade de Lisboa/Universidade do Porto and on the Master in Viticulture and Enology of Universidade de Évora. Lecturer on various postgraduate, undergraduate and professional training courses. Member of the Enology and Economics and Law Expert Groups of the National Commission of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (CNOIV).

Present Research
  • Spirits of vitivinicultural origin; Wood; Analytical methods; Phenolic compounds
Research Interests
  • Spirits of vitivinicultural origin; Wood; Analytical methods; Phenolic compounds

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Thematic lines to which I contribute:
Viticulture & Enology
Sustainable Crop Production
Mediterranean Food & Diet

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