Laboratory of Oenology Colaço do Rosário
Laboratory dedicated to teaching, research and services

Maria João Pires de Bastos Cabrita

Raquel M. N. d. S. Garcia

Senior Technician
Nuno Miguel Costa Martins

Technical Assistant
Rui Miguel Batista Bicho

Operational Assistent
Albina Mendes
+351 266 760 800/869
Universidade de Évora – Pólo da Mitra
Apartado 94
7006-554 Évora
+351 266 760 828
* Call cost to Portugal landline
The Oenology Laboratory at the MED provides services for grape ripening tests, wine and other byproducts analysis.
1 - EnologyThe Enology Laboratory develops research in the field of wine characterization and the impact of agronomic and technological practices on wine characteristics, focusing on the analysis of volatile compounds, phenolic compounds and amino acids. In this context, the research carried out here contributes to the Viticulture and Oenology thematic line.
2 - Olive oilAnother research line has olive oil as its study object. Research is carried out on olive oil composition with a focus on its volatile composition, and on the development of analytical tools for pesticide analysis. In this context, the research here contributes to the Olive Grove and Olive Oil thematic line.
Doctoral theses anchored in this laboratory
- Comprehensive study of varietal wines from Alentejo, for robust practices towards climate change. Catarina Pereira (Bolsa FCT 2021.07306.BD). PhD in Food Science. Universidade de Évora.
- Chemometric investigation of the volatile content of young varietal wines from Alentejo. Sousa Gastão Muchecha (Bolsa CECA 2ª Edição) PhD in Food Science. Universidade de Évora.
- Understanding the need of SO2 in wine according to wine grape varieties. Cátia Vanessa de Almeida Santos (Bolsa FCT PD/BD/135081/2017). Programa Doutoral em Química Sustentável. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. (2018-2022)
- Análise vestigial de pesticidas em azeite: aplicação de polímeros molecularmente impressos. Nuno Martins. PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Universidade de Évora. (2011 - 2016)
Doctoral theses partially developed in this laboratory
- Phthalates, a danger in food: new analytical approaches for risk assessments. Flávia Sofia Salgado de Freita (Bolsa FCT 2020.08089.BD). PhD in Food Science. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- Study of Portuguese extra virgin olive oils according to the producing agricultural method: a qualitative and ecological approach. Miguel Ferro (Bolsa FCT SFRH/BD/140083/2018). PhD in Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Universidade de Évora.
- Characterization and Monitorization of Ageing Markers for Sparkling Wines. A world still to unveil. Sara Sofia Timóteo Pinheiro (Bolsa 2022.13065.BDANA). PhD in Sustainable chemistry, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- Evaluation of the potential use of alternative flours to traditional ones in bakery and in the production of processed foods in São Tomé and Príncipe. Anisio Patricio Quintas (Bolsa CECA 2ª Edição). PhD in Food Science. Universidade de Évora.

In the Laboratory of Oenology, 1st and 2nd cycle classes are held related to wine technology and sensory analysis.
Degree in Enology: Enology I (Enol I), Enology II (Enol II), Enology III (Enol III), Sensory Analysis (AS) and Analytical Quality Control (CAQ)
Degrees in Agronomy and Biotechnology: Wine and Olive Oil Technology (TVA)
Master in Viticulture and Enology: Quality Control and Sensory Analysis (CQAS)
2022 - Vine and Wine Portugal – Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation - Driving Sustainable Growth through Smart Innovation in the Vine and Wine sector. PRR, Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation
- B2.1.1 BioGrapeSustain – Use of grapevine and microbiome diversity for sustainable production
- B2.4.2 MiKS4 Vine - New Products/formulations to promote a vine more resilience to climatic changes
- B1.6.2 SOLVIT - Solutions to restore degraded Soils in Mediterranean vineyards via Organic muLch and biochar derived from VITiculture industry waste
2020 - MIP2Sensors- From Molecularly Imprinted Polymers to MIP-based optical sensors: a "light-up" tool for the analysis of pesticide residues in olive oil. PTDC/ASP-AGR/30097/2017.
2016-2019 - MedOOmics - Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil Omics: profiling and fingerprinting. ARIMNet2
2016-2019 - Por3O - Portuguese Olive Oil Omics for traceability and authenticity. PTDC/AGRPRO/2003/2014
2012-2015 - Solid-phase extraction with molecularly imprinted polymers: A highly selective and promising approach for trace analysis of pesticides in olive oil. PTDC/AGR-ALI/117544/2010
2016-2017 - Development of a Sustainability Plan for Alentejo Wines. ALT20-01-0853-FEDER-000013.
2005-2008 - Sensory and chemical characterization of the impact of malolactic fermentation in wines. POCI/AGR 55432/2004
2005-2008 - Yeasts producing volatile phenols. A major concern in the wine industry that needs to be understood. POCI/AGR 56771/2004
1997-1999 - Trace analysis of quality wines from the Alentejo region - Praxis XXI – measure 3.2
1997-1999 - Characterization of Alentejo elementary wines - PAMAF 6007
- Liquid chromatograph with FLD and PDA detector and autosampler from Waters Alliance
- Waters™ e2695 Separations Module
- Waters 2998 Photodiode Array Detector
- Waters 2475 Multiwavelength Fluorescence Detector
- Gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector from Agilent
- HP 6890 series GC system
- Agilent 7683 injector
- Gas Chromatograph coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometer from Agilent Technologies and Markes International
- Agilent GC 8890 with slit/slitless injector
- CTC PAL3 RSI autosampler with modules for liquid samples and SPME with agitation and incubatio
- Markes BenchTOF-Select with Select-eV Tandem Ionisation technology
- Cátia V. Almeida Santos, Catarina Pereira, Nuno Martins, Maria João Cabrita, Marco Gomes da silva (2023) Different SO2 doses and the impact on amino acid and volatile profile of white wines. Beverages, 9, 33.
- Catarina Pereira, Davide Mendes, Nuno Martins, Marco Gomes da Silva, Raquel Garcia, Maria João Cabrita (2022) A sustainable approach based on the use of unripe grape frozen musts to modulate wine characteristics as a proof of concept Beverages 8(4), 79;
- Cátia V. Almeida Santos, Marco Gomes da Silva, Maria João Cabrita (2022) Volatile profile of two monovarietal white wines under different antioxidant environments during storage in bottle. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinicola, 37 (1), 39-59.
- Catarina Pereira, Davide Mendes, Thomas Dias, Raquel Garcia, Marco Gomes da Silva, Maria João Cabrita (2021) Revealing the yeast modulation potential on amino acid composition and volatile profile of Arinto white wines by a combined chromatographic-based approach. Journal of Chromatography A, 1641, article nº 461991
- Cátia V. Almeida Santos, Marco Gomes da Silva, Maria João Cabrita (2020). Impact of SO2 and bentonite addition during fermentation on volatile profile of two varietal white wines. LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol 133 article nº109893.
- Joana Granja-Soares, Rita Roque, Maria João Cabrita, Ofélia Anjos, A. Pedro Belchior, Ilda Caldeira, Sara Canas. (2020). Effect of innovative technology using staves and micro-oxygenationon the odorant and sensory profile of aged wine spirit. Food Chemistry, vol 333, article nº 127450.
- Miguel D. Ferro; M. João Cabrita; José M. Herrera; Maria F. Duarte. (2023) A new laboratory scale olive oil extraction method with comparative characterization of phenolic and fatty acid composition. Foods, 12, 380.
- Garcia, R.; Cabrita, M.J. New Insights into the Specificity, Authenticity, and Traceability Analysis of Olive Oils. Foods 2021, 10, 2372. Editorial.
- Astrid Maléchaux, Raquel Garcia, Yveline Le Dréau, Arona Pires, Nathalie Dupuy, Maria Joao Cabrita (2021) Chemometric discrimination of the varietal origin of extra virgin olive oils: usefulness of 13C DEPT pulse sequence and 1H-NMR data and effectiveness of fusion with MIR data. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69, 14, 4177-4190.
- Maria João Cabrita, Arona Pires, Anthony J. Burke, Raquel Garcia. (2021) Seeking for a fast screening of varietal origin of olive oil: the usefulness of an NMR-based approach. Foods, 10, 399.
- Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, Vera Palma, Raquel Garcia, Cristina Dias, Maria João Cabrita (2020). Combination of stable isotope analysis and chemometrics to discriminate geoclimatically and temporally the virgin olive oils from three Mediterranean countries. Foods, 9(12), 1855
- Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, Vera Palma, Raquel Garcia, José Alberto Pereira, Cristina Barrocas Dias, Maria João Cabrita (2020). Multivariate geostatistical analysis of stable isotopes in Portuguese varietal extra virgin olive oils. Microchemical Journal, 157, article nº 105044
- Raquel Garcia, Elisabete P. Carreiro, João Carlos Lima, Marco Gomes da Silva, Ana Maria Costa Freitas, Maria João Cabrita (2020). Assessment of dimethoate in olive oil samples using a dual responsive molecularly imprinted polymer-based approach. Foods, 9, 618
- Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, María João Cabrita, Cristina Barrocas Dias, Francisco J. González-Vila, José A.González-Pérez (2020). Pyrolysis-compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis (δ2H Py-CSIA) of Mediterranean olive oils. Food Control, 110, article nº 107023
- Catarina Pereira, Ana Maria Costa Freitas, Maria João Cabrita, Raquel Garcia (2020). Assessing tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol in Portuguese monovarietal olive oils: revealing the nutraceutical potential by a combined spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques - based approach. LWT, 118, article nº 108797.
- Nuno Martins, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, Flávia Freitas, Raquel Garcia, Marco Gomes da Silva, Maria João Cabrita. (2020). Revisiting 3D van Krevelen diagrams as a tool for the visualization of volatile profile of varietal olive oils from Alentejo region, Portugal. Talanta, 207, 120276.
- Raquel Garcia, Arona Pires, Nuno Martins, Teresa Carvalho, Anthony J. Burke, Maria João Cabrita (2019). Assessment of the triacylglycerol fraction of olive oil by 1D-NMR spectroscopy: exploring the usefulness of DEPT tool on the peak assignments of 13C NMR spectra. European Food Research and Technology, 254, 2479-2488.